Simile – Exhibit – Tutorial v.4

It took a while but I put together a fairly lengthy tutorial on how to make an Exhibit site that gets its info from a Google spreadsheet feed. It’s complete with tutorial files and a number of screencasts. I’m not sure it’s out of beta yet but I’m inviting anyone who’s interested to check out […]

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Simile Exhibit Project – VA History SOLs

So I finally managed to get Exhibit working. Which is pretty impressive considering I’ve been working on it during NECC and I’ve failed a few times before. The site is up here. The death locations aren’t correct right now but I welcome any feedback you’d care to give. I think it has some really interesting […]

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Who says Jaiku is useless?

Bouncing Ball, originally uploaded by baslercast. It’s just another tool and it makes possible some quick connections that lead to bigger things. Connections are good- no matter how trivial they might seem. Last night I noticed Basler bookmarked the same water balloon catapult I did. I mentioned that in a comment. He responded with a […]

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Web 2.0 Hits the Streets–Graffiti Report Card

Does this sound familiar? You’re driving downtown and see a piece of graffiti that doesn’t quite “tickle your fancy” (as the kids say). You pine to yourself, “Man, I wish I could leave some feedback for that artist. If this were on The Web, I could simply leave a comment.” Well, pine no more. I […]

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Whirligig MyMap Evolution Continues

So I’ve added a lot more to the Whirligig map since last time. It turned out to be an awesome choice for this project. Talk about a project that requires a close reading! I spent more time with this short book than I care to admit to. Almost everything in the Whirligig was accurate. It’s […]

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I have some how found myself on our district’s copyright committee and we’re redesigning our whole course for teachers. It’s been pretty interesting and I only occasionally want to kill myself. Luckily, I’m with a bunch of ninja librarian copyright experts who are handling all the heavy lifting while I make jokes. The site is […]

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