Magic Bullets Don’t Exist

Techlearning has an article that was passed around our school email celebrating Eight More Reasons for Technology in Education. After reading it, I’m feeling a little like the crab in the photo above. Now you may have noticed that I?m a fan of technology in education but I feel this list is, for the most […]

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Mock Powerpoints

I don’t know who did it but there’s a great bad powerpoint version of the Gettysburg Address. It summarizes the points in an effective, and humorous way. The students would create the notes the speech makers would need, set the agenda etc. Everything a really bad business powerpoint user would need. This is a great […]

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Google Earth – The Next Level

I found this KMZ file the other night. It’s really the greatest Google Earth file I’ve ever seen. It’s tracking bird flu but it’s doing it through, time, space and evolution. It creates a three dimensional representation of the changing aspects of the virus as it moves from carrier to carrier and place to place. […]

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Evolution from Past to Future

Here are a couple gems that may or may not fit well together. First, the clip linked below of Carl Sagan narrating an animated illustration of evolution. YouTube GoogleVid (via Neatorama) Next, Alan Weisman’s new book entitled The World Without Us comes with an interesting illustration of how the world would react if human suddenly […]

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Facebook Loosening Up Privacy Restrictions

  Facebook is letting non-registered users find pictures and names of private accounts owners.  See link below for official Facebook statement and the page you need to keep your pic and name truly private. This would be good information to pass around to your colleagues.  Many teachers have Facebook accounts they have made private to […]

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Vocabulary- Lost in Translation

What happens when an English phrase is translated (by computer) back and forth between 5 different languages? Lost in Translation is a fun little web page that does all that translation for you using Babelfish. Why in the world would you want to do this? Well, it’s funny and while it can become nonsense very […]

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Finally, a Planbook for the 21st Century Teacher (Update)

Let me say that as I write this, my wife is gleefully entering her first week into Planbook. Periodically, I hear an “oo” and am informed of another feature that simply makes sense for the modern teacher. Planbook is a digital lesson book. Actually, it is a digital organizer for teachers. Jeff Hellman was frustrated […]

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Back on the Internet Safety Bandwagon

I’m back working on Internet safety stuff. Here are some ideas I’m playing with on searching and source validity. If you see anything I’m missing etc. let me hear it. This is kind of a PR poster for classroom/hallway display. I’m aiming to get students creating them as part of art class or a contest […]

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