Canvas and bulk unpublishing files in a module

Problem Bulk publish/unpublish in Canvas modules does not work on files. The UI does not make that apparent at all. Semi-solution Support should have told me that I can go to files and do bulk publish/unpublish there. Those actions impact the files displayed in modules. It’s not a perfect response but it’s better than nothing. […]

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Weekly Web Harvest for 2024-05-05

We Need To Rewild The InternetThe first magnificent bounty had not been the beginning of endless riches, but a one-off harvesting of millennia of soil wealth built up by biodiversity and symbiosis. Complexity was the goose that laid golden eggs, and she had been slaughtered. The story of German scientific forestry transmits a timeless truth: […]

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Weekly Web Harvest for 2024-04-21

Isotope · Filter & sort magical layouts Filterizr | Create responsive galleries Hanover book nook creator’s ‘censored’ Girl Scout Gold Award“I would like to let you, the Board of Supervisors know, that you have bestowed upon me the greatest honor you could. Greater than that of any proclamation, in your censorship of my Gold Award,” […]

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Canvas data and academic integrity

Another entry in my I-guess-other-people-might-have-to-write-something-like-this series of posts . . . The following is my initial attempt to contextualize Canvas data should it be requested in academic integrity investigations. This is my own opinion and doesn’t represent any place I might or might not work.<footnote>See how vague that sentence is? That means it’s basically a […]

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Weekly Web Harvest for 2024-04-14

t.30=Ovipares et Serpens t.1 (1788) – Histoire naturelle, ge?ne?rale et particulie?re – Biodiversity Heritage Library AI isn’t useless. But is it worth it?Some are surprised when they discover I don’t think blockchains are useless, either. Like so many technologies, blockchains are designed to prioritize a few specific characteristics (coordination among parties who don’t trust one […]

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Extracting data using regexextract in Google Sheets

One of our tools has usage data that ends up being three items on one line. Each line of data is something like this 1. 123. The first number doesn’t matter. I want the email address and the last number (which indicates usage hours). In the old days, I’d have rigged something together using […]

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Workshops, speakers, energy, and flow

Way back in the dawn of time (2009), I was more tightly integrated into a unit that was more focused on staff development writ large. We had experiences, trainings, and professional growth.I’ve thought about those three categories of offerings quite a bit since then. With some slight tweaks, I feel like they apply well to […]

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