Server Up? Notifications via Twitter/Google Script

flickr photo shared by Thomas Hawk under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license Reclaim Hosting has a great status page that alerts you when stuff is not working correctly. We had a brief outage this morning and I just thought it’d be nice to see if we could proactively send out a message based […]

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YouTube API to Google Spreadsheets

Because I love Alan. Here’s the API version in Google Script to grab YouTube stats. It does a bit more than the previous XPath version and you can set it to be triggered repeatedly. I’m going to add a loop to add multiple videos etc. in the near future but it’s a good start for […]

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YouTube Scraping, XPath, and Google Sheets

APIs can give you much more power but they are often overkill for what people are trying to around here- lightweight social media Here’s a lightweight example of how you can use Google Sheets and the IMPORTXML function to grab quite a bit of data from various video pages with no API or technical skills. […]

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