My Secret Shame (best of twitter 1-30-08)

Well not so secret anymore- here are some interesting quotes I pulled from Twitter* today. They are at a conference and may be quoting others so please excuse any misattributions. Perhaps we should define digital fluency not in terms of *being* (what I am) but in terms of *doing* (what I can do, and habitually […]

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Technology Mistakes

This question on the MACUL Ning space got me thinking (you may be wondering why I’m part of a Michigan edtech group when I live in VA- answer Ben Rimes). As a School Board Trustee in Lapeer Community Schools(6500 students) I am very excited about passing our first Bond in 34 years!!! With the passage […]

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Design and Story

I’m bouncing Dan’s post about design and storytelling in my head. His basic message is that it’s all about the story and design is just a tool to convey the story. If two people are telling the same story, the one who knows when and how long to pause, when to raise their voice, when […]

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