Signs of Insanity – Musings on Standards

The building I work in. Conducive to insanity? So now that I’m in college you’d assume I’d be happy to be away from the irritation and hassle of state standards (like the SOLs). It turns out I actually missed them. Have I lost my mind? Probably, but I found myself arguing this morning that we […]

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Digital Economy and Pro Status

Just randomly thinking here . . . please pass if you’re busy and looking for direct application. I’m not a photographer, yet I’ve got over 10,000 images scattered among three flickr accounts. I haven’t bought film recently (or ever that I recall) but I’ve got to imagine that the film combined with processing would have […]

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Pretty Formatting in Google Maps w/o ANY HTML Knowledge

I don’t like what plain Google Map or Google Earth windows look like when you enter text. They always end up too wide for me and I just want a little bit more style and formatting. It just looks better and that is part of why we use computers- to produce a professional looking product. […]

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Creative Communication: The Persona

Ever trying to follow in the footsteps of Tom, I realized quickly that it helps to add drama and humor into your communication with staff and students. Shortly after taking the Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT) position, I began brainstorming possible personae to catch the attention of my staff. I finally settled on I created […]

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Asterpix – Part Deux – The Review

[snap url=”” alt=”My Thumbnail” w=”400″ h=”300″ link=”on”]Through the magic of the Internet I got a comment from Nat Kausik who works for Asterpix (update 2015 – asterpix is now spammy). It still amazes me when this happens (and ups my faith that they’ll stick around because they are listening and responding to the user). Nat […]

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Next Level Video – Asterpix

I love the way in some videos you can click on images or text on the screen and they are interactive- taking you to URLs or different portions of the video. I really feel that in education, and elsewhere, this has amazing potential. Making text interactive through hyperlinks changed the world so doing the same […]

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Creative Communication – VA Educational Technology Leadership Conference

Welcome! Hope some of these resource prove useful to you while pursuing different ways to communicate. Update——-Download the creative communication presentation in Keynote 3, Powerpoint or PDF format. Useful presentation links Presentation Zen– a blog dedicated to better presentations Beyond Bullets– another blog dedicated to better presentations Dy/Dan– a blog about teaching that often covers […]

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True to his Grammar – Dizzee Rascal

Big version here Probably not much use to U.S.A. teachers but I was listening to a song by Dizzee Rascal (he’s big in the UK – I swear). The phrase “true to his grammar” was too good to resist and there were some great high resolution shots out there. So, once again you get a […]

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2007 EduBlog Award Nominee

Just a quick note that our blog has been nominated for best group edublog 2007. We appreciate the recognition and your support of our project. A year ago, we set out to create a place where instructional technology theory met practical, creative ideas. Your frequent visits and thought-provoking comments are evidence that we have achieved […]

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More Money, More Problems

I know it’s been done but I couldn’t resist. I really need gold $ signs instead of pluses and I’m not thrilled overall but it’s better than nothing. Maybe there will be a version 2.0- depends on how much life intervenes. What would make this a project, something you could use to teach as opposed […]

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