As part of some thoughts on building out a series of reflective views for student portfolio blogs, I thought seeing your WordPress posts in the TimelineJS view might be a useful way to look back over your progress. I intend to wrap this into a custom spreadsheet template and/or a plugin1 but figured I’d sketch […]
Category: Data
Audio Annotation POC Using WaveSurfer.JS
See the Pen wave surfer – waveform by Tom (@twwoodward) on CodePen. I needed to make a quick proof of concept for the annotation of audio on the web. In this case, it’s meant to provide a visual and auditory way to play through interview segments that represent different categories of responses. I found WaveSurfer.js […]
Simple Text Analysis POC
See the Pen text analysis color viz – step 1 by Tom (@twwoodward) on CodePen. Assuming you have sentences, phrases, or words you’d like to categorize . . . you could do something like this to create a visualization. This one is using CSS but it could be done in any basic word processing software. […]
Open Content Creation at VCU
I’m going to hit a few of the things I’ve done with people around open educational resource creation.1 In the discussion, I’m going to ignore some complexities around the term ‘open’ in order to avoiding dragging the whole post down. My personal definition of open is very liberal2 although I can see the value of […]
WP JSON to Google Sheets – Reflective Data
Image from page 86 of “Refraction and motility of the eye, with chapters on color blindness and the field of vision” (1920) flickr photo by Internet Archive Book Images shared with no copyright restriction (Flickr Commons) Way back in 2015, I wrote a little plugin1 to count URLs, get the word count and do other […]
Making Google Scripts & Google Sidebars Talk
flickr photo shared by Internet Archive Book Images with no copyright restriction (Flickr Commons) Sometimes you want a Google Sidebar element to be able to pull variables from a Google Script. The key element is I’m still not entirely sure I have this in my head deeply/correctly but this is functional and might help […]
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Interactive Google Sheets Dashboards
It’s pretty easy to put a bunch of data and charts in a spreadsheet and call it a dashboard. It became a more interesting challenge to make those charts change to reflect variables chosen via dropdown cell menus. The key it turns out is using =query. I can do some really powerful things with query […]
Spreadsheet Karma
=QUERY({C:C,C:C},”select Col1, count(Col2) where Col1 ” group by Col1″,1) This is just so handy for getting all the unique values from a column and spitting them out with the counts of their occurrences.1 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this a much harder way. I saw the function above as an answer […]
Email Support Data
I thought it might be interesting to look at my last chunk of emails by what hour they were answered. It does seem to show some patterns. Some that may not be healthy for any real separation between on/off work hours. It is good that I’ve got no email in the 1AM to 5AM zone. […]
Re-Scraping Instagram
Back when Instagram’s API rules didn’t completely suck, I wrote a few posts on scraping it so that some of our faculty could use those data in their research. Then all their rules changed and everything broke. That’s their prerogative but it’s also my option to complain about it. But because I posted about it, […]