Follow the Cursor Arrows in Javascript

Matt came up with a really interesting visual idea where arrows follow the cursor. He found this codepen example which was pretty close to what he envisioned (only with pill shapes). The problem was that this version used Babel, jQuery, and Underscore. That’s good if you know all those pieces but less good if you […]

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WordPress Timeline JS Plugin

Background I like Timeline JS. It’s a nice way to create multimedia timelines. I’d previously done some work that would take WordPress JSON API data and insert it into the Timeline JS view.1 It was nice for creating alternate and standardized views of blogs that might be useful for different reasons. It didn’t serve some […]

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Code as Poetry, Time as a Variable – Options in the Ether

A drawing of a small terrier dog jumping through a hoop held by a monkey.

Backstory Driving into work I was listening to NPR and they were interviewing Nikki Giovani a poet from Virginia Tech. In high school I was one of those people who really suffered reading the The Red Wheelbarrow and other non-rhyming poems. They irritated me in the same way people seem to be annoyed by White […]

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YouTube Full Screen Player Page from Playlist

The request was that we do something interesting with the random screens we have scattered around our area. It seemed like it’d be easy to make a little full-page player for a YouTube playlist with some lightweight overlays to emphasize the connection with our department. Handling the videos displayed via a playlist makes it easy […]

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reveal js tweak for iframe backgrounds

website screenshot indicating blue div blocking access to central portion of embedded website

*********UPDATE********* The stuff below sort of works, but since there’s only one parent element for all sections it won’t let you click on links later on. That’s no good. It’s also kind of weird to go from interacting with the iframe page to get back into the slideshow navigation (partially because I hid the navigation […]

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Event Calendar & Participation

One pretty common need I’m starting to see around community-engaged learning is a way for students/faculty to submit events to a central calendar and then indicate their participation in various events. That comes with various program requirements. People want specific reflection patterns per event and have different ideas around what an event counts for in […]

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