Download Panopto Playlist Videos Bookmarklet

I always thought bookmarklets were cool. I still think they are cool. I like the idea of little tiny tools that live in a place reserved for something else entirely. Alan has 89 posts mentioning bookmarklets. That’s also a clue that they’re interesting. What drove this was that Panopto removing the RSS feed option in […]

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Gravity Forms, Open Street Map API, and Leaflet JS

I’m sketching this one out because it’s a fun mix of things. I’m going to use Gravity Forms to accept submissions, the Open Street Map API will convert the address into latitude/longitude, and then we’ll display the data on a Leaflet JS map. I could have done it all in Google but I was irritated […]

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Get your Jamboard text

A screenshot of Chrome with the developer tools open and the Elements tab selected. A search for .jam-frame-active is shown with the contextual menu showing to allowing copying of the element.

We’re doing some strategic planning in Google’s Jamboard. I find it good for the live/interactive aspects of the conversation but when I was looking back over it, it was hard for me to read and organize in my head. I decided I wanted the text from the various sticky notes in a spreadsheet so that […]

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Graph Page Transition via Illustrator

I’m working with Greg Pask to make a lab website. When I asked him for some visual inspiration he sent me two comic book covers by David Aja. That was a first! It’s driving me to do some interesting things in Illustrator for the first time. I’ve long promised myself I’d learn vector drawing but […]

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Detox Site – Energy-conscious website breakdown

Screenshot of the carbon rating saying "Uh oh! This web page is dirtier than 99% of web pages tested."

The following is what I wrote for this year’s DLINQ Digital Detox. It was strange writing without footnotes. It’s also a lot less of my normal writing voice. I was writing for a bunch of strangers rather than you, my dear readers.1 It’s easy to use the web without thinking about it much. Modern processors, […]

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